44 Powerful Statistics About Animation Videos and their Use

duda-wsm • 24 oktober 2021

Just writing blog posts no longer cuts it in 2023. Blogging just doesn’t have the same effect anymore. Google’s algorithms are constantly changing. Our marketing strategies need to continuously evolve accordingly. Certain strategies no longer work as well as they used to. Yet content marketing remains the best way to attract visitors to your website, in order to maintain a lasting relationship. You can do this by creating important and fascinating content. The most important element for online success therefore is the ability to stand out.

Until recently, blogging was still the best way to generate traffic, but now video marketing, and in particular animation videos, caters best to consumer needs. The truth is that animation videos are being watched by more and more internet users. Statistics prove that many buyers and potential customers are influenced by the message conveyed in animation videos.

That’s why it is important that you are aware of the statistics on video and animation explanation videos. We have compiled a list of the fourteen most powerful statistics on animation video and its use.

The indispensable power of video marketing in 44 statistics

  1. Using videos on landing pages will increase conversions by 86%. (Wordstream, 2018) 
  2. 81% of consumers mute video ads. (Optinmonster, 2018)
  3. 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support. (HubSpot, 2017)
  4. About 5 billion YouTube videos are viewed on average every day. (Omnicore, 2018) 
  5. 64% of consumers say watching a marketing video on Facebook has influenced a purchase decision of theirs in the last month. (Animoto, 2017)
  6. Square videos are more effective than horizontal videos on Facebook. (Animoto, 2017)
  7. Having a video thumbnail in the search results can double your search traffic. (Search Engine Journal, 2018)
  8. Product videos can increase purchases by 144%. (Neil Patel, 2017)
  9. Visual assets are the single biggest content contributor when it came to social media in 2017. (Ofcom, 2017) 
  10. Written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media. (Clutch, 2017) 
  11. Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search results than plain text. (Omnicore, 2018) 
  12. Social media and video viewing are the two most popular online activities. (Smart Insights, 2018)
  13. After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online. (Forbes, 2017) 
  14. In 2017, the biggest jump in video CTR was among desktop users, while CTR on tablets slightly decreased. (Wordstream, 2018) 
  15. If video and text are both available on the same page, 72% of people will watch the video to learn about a product or service rather than read the text. (HubSpot, 2018) 
  16. Millennial consumers show the strongest preference for video content from brands. (HubSpot, 2017) 
  17. 65% of senior executives navigate to a site after viewing a related YouTube video. (Single Grain, 2018) 
  18. 75% of adults turn to YouTube for nostalgia rather than tutorials or current events. (Omnicore, 2018) 
  19. 45% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, 2018) 
  20. Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs. (Wordstream, 2018) 
  21. 93% of marketers say they’ve converted a lead into a paying customer due to video on social media. (Animoto Blog, 2018)
  22. Instagram will become the fastest-growing platform to use video content to drive purchases. (Oberlo, 2019) 
  23. 87% of industry professionals say they use video as a marketing tool. (Wyzowl, 2019) 
  24. 20% of people will read the text on a page, but 80% of people will watch a video. (My SMN, 2017) 
  25. Tweets with videos get over six times as many retweets as tweets with photos. (Wochit, 2018) 
  26. Video is the #1 form of media used in content strategy, overtaking blogs and infographics. (HubSpot, 2020) 
  27. Video marketers are said to get 66% more qualified leads yearly than those who don’t focus on video. (OptinMonster, 2019)
  28. 81% of marketers are optimizing their social videos for mobile viewership. (Animoto, 2017) 
  29. 92% of marketers make videos with assets they already have. (Animoto, 2017)
  30. 75% of millennials watch video on social media daily. (Animoto, 2017) 
  31. Video will represent 82% of all IP traffic in 2021. (Business Insider, 2017)
  32. There are 1.9 billion monthly active users on YouTube. (Omnicore, 2018) 
  33. Video marketers see a 54% increase in brand awareness with their content among audience members. (OptinMonster, 2019) 
  34. YouTube services 95% of all Internet users. (Omnicore, 2018)
  35. 62% of YouTube users are male. (Omnicore, 2018) 
  36. People pay attention to video content whereas they skim or multitask written content and podcasts. (HubSpot, 2017) 
  37. 99% of marketers who already use video say they’ll continue to do so in 2018. (HubSpot, 2018) 
  38. By 2021, the video advertising will grow to a $22 billion industry. (eMarketer, 2018) 
  39. 65% of those who don’t currently use video, say they plan to start in 2018. (HubSpot, 2018)
  40. The top three social platforms for businesses to market through video are Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. (Animoto, 2018) 
  41. of marketers plan to add Facebook video to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, 2018) 
  42. 4 in 5 consumers believe that demo videos are helpful. (Workspace Digital, 2019)
  43. Promotional Videos and Brand Storytelling are the most common video types created by marketers. (HubSpot, 2020)
  44. Did you know more than 50% of consumers prefer video content over other forms of content such as emails, social, and blogs? Video marketing is highly effective in appealing to and converting customers. And with smartphones, it’s also affordable and easy to implement no matter your company type or resources. These statistics provide insight into how other companies are using the medium of video to create lasting relationships with audience members and impact their purchase decisions. (Hubspot, 2020)

The written word remains important. But in order to really stand out and get the most out of your marketing activities, you need to make the switch to animation explainer videos. Has your organization already tried animated explainer videos? Get in touch with us to discuss how we can supercharge your online presence.

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